teconaut project objective

The TEcoNaut project
aims to achieve this main
objective through:

01 _ The development

of a Deep Tech materials course for VET, which contents will be the use and application of Deep Tech Materials together with a Train the Trainers Program.

02 _ Conducting

a deep “Skills gaps” identification phase which results will be connected to ESCO and will make use of the new EU Green Taxonomy. 

03 _ Awakening

an entrepreneurial mindset of students and future workers of the “eco” nautical sector, so they can see a future business in the use of sustainable materials and the circularity of boat building materials while fostering their resilience skills.

04 _ Designing

of a Traineeship programme for HE students with “Hands-on” approaches that will work on the application of the “Deep tech” skills in the companies. The highly necessary Deep Tech Green wave in boat building can only be successfully developed through the collaboration of Higher Education that is researching on deep-tech materials, companies that are building their boats in a sustainable friendly way using these materials and VET centres who can provide qualified staff.

nautical projects