1- Brief description of your organisation and your main responsibility in the project
EBI represents the recreational boating industry in Europe. It encompasses all related sectors, such as boatbuilding, equipment manufacturing, marinas and service providers. The industry is a significant contributor to the European economy, representing 32,000 companies, predominantly SMEs that employ over 280,000 people directly. The mission of EBI is to advance and represent a sustainable boating and nautical tourism industry #MadeInEurope.
In TecoNaut, EBI is the leading partner of Work package 8, exploitation and sustainability plan.
2- Brief words about why you think this project is necessary
TecoNaut is a project prepared to address some of the most significant demands and needs of the industry. The marine industry is placing an increasing emphasis on sustainability and innovation, and TecoNaut assists the industry in developing new instruments to accomplish these primary goals by producing innovative and sustainable materials and training a new, youthful talents prepared to use them.