Work Packages
Identification of skills gaps between traditional and disruptive technologies
Lead Beneficiary: NAUTA MORGAU.
Start Month 1, End month 12
The objective of this work package is to identify green skills gaps in the sourcing, use, application, and end of life of deep-tech materials. To use ESCO green taxonomy to assess the presence of “green skills, knowledge and competences” in existing curricula of boat builders. To follow a bottom-up approach by conducting face-to-face interviews to add a solid value to the new “green” skill set. To provide ESCO with a new green Skill set from the boating building sector and therefore feed the tool. To build the baseline of the course for VET (WP4) and in extension the train the trainers programme (WP5).
Development of skills training for skills gaps in the nautical industry
Start Month 11, End month 26
The objective of this work package is to design and develop a course for VET education on the sourcing, use, application, and end of life of deep-tech materials in line with EQF through learning outcomes. To transfer the knowledge on deep-tech materials from Higher Education and Sustainable Enterprises to VET education To pilot the Course in 3 VET centres (Spain, France and Turkey). To conduct International Skills Shadowing between VET Centres and Sustainable Enterprises on the topic of deep-tech materials. To acknowledge the course by VET National Qualification systems.
Transfer of Knowledge from Companies trainers and Professors to VET teachers
Start Month 15, End month 30
The objective of this work package is to train VET trainers in the topic of deep-tech materials in the boat building sector. To transfer experience, innovation, and knowledge on deep-tech materials from HE professors and in-house company trainers to VET teachers.
To design a handbook for the VET trainer to follow when teaching students.
To exchange practices between the three actors involved in the project (HE, VET and Enterprises) for an effective learning experience of the student.
Traineeship for HE students in Eco Boating companies
Lead Beneficiary: GREENBOATS.
Start Month 25, End month 35
The objective of this work package are to connect Higher Education Students with Eco-boating companies
To design an innovative Traineeship programme for Higher Education Students that incorporates a “Hands-on” approach from VET, in order to fulfil possible skills mismatches between Universities and Nautical Companies. To develop guidelines on the identification of “Eco-Boating” companies.
To offer an in-house training in nautical workshops and yards for University Students that is often not offered in careers such as engineering or chemistry.
Exploitation and Sustainability
Lead Beneficiary: European Boating Industry EBI.
Start Month 13, End month 36
This last work package aims to ensure the project tools will be exploited, used and sustained during and after the project lifetime.
Promote the use of the tools in other regions of Europe.
Attract quality key-target groups and ensure that they can contribute to results as and when required.
Exchange and transfer knowledge to increase the project efficiency in terms of quality of its outcomes and administration.
Develop a plan for extending and updating the courses after the project lifetime.